Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Global Love: Clean Water for Kids!

My son, Blake, has been involved with clean water projects 
around the world since he was in high school.  
He is currently leading a club at the University of Texas 
called Students for Clean Water.  
Through a series of remarkable connections, the club has teamed up with Google 
(yes, Google!) and they are doing a two week campaign together.  
Each time you rate a restaurant on Google Hotpot, 
Google will donate $1 to their well project.  
They are giving up to $40,000 to the club!

Read about it on the Students for Clean Water website, 
or on the Google blog, or in the paper.

Here is how to do it:

Register Here.
Then go to Google Hotpot and Search a city you want to review.
Restaurants will appear and you can rate them by clicking on the star rating.

Wah Lah!

 Every time you click the star rating you send a dollar to the well project~

Sweet and simple~ and you get to send your love around the world! 

Thanks, Google!

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