Thursday, August 18, 2011

Life on Purpose: I'm taking charge! {Free Download}

"Nothing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose–
a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye." 
– Mary Shelle

This PRECIOUS printable by Sarah Jane was just what I needed.
 {Also, see what Ashley Ann did with it here.}  
When I saw it, I was reminded that it was time to consider my 
commitments for the school year.
I begin the year twice.
Once in January with a fresh calendar,
 and again when school starts with a fresh spiral notebook. 
Both seasons beg for a plan.  
For sooooo many years, I just followed the plan that life laid out before me.   
Which ALWAYS ended in over-commitment, frustration and fatigue.
And it is really hard to love others well when you're grumpy.

What will you say yes to this fall?
 PTO, coaching volleyball, or volunteering at church?

As I think through the things I want to say "yes" to this school year,
I'm trying to filter opportunities through my gifts, passions and ultimately, 
where I want to end up.

Mr. Wonderful asks a good question when these times arise,
"What is the one thing you'll regret that you didn't get done at the end of the year?"  
Once you identify it, make a plan to get it done.  
That's a great place to start~ with just one thing. 

Finish well with Austin, my high school senior...
who looked like this when he started kindergarten yesterday.
and here he is after a summer basketball game:
If I do this ONE THING, I will have no deep regrets.

But I have a few additional things on my list.. 
1. Take a photography and photo shop class.
2.  Scan and organize photos.
3.  Make health a priority; Exercise consistently.
4.  Purge closets and attic.
5.  Write and encourage the Touch a Life kids.
6.  Hire designer to spruce up my blog.  
7.  Plan more nutritious meals.
8.  Grow spiritually

I'm working on the plan for each goal.  As I plan them out, I'll share the things I think might be helpful.  Telling you my goals makes me a bit anxious, but is actually part of my plan~  
You can be my accountability partners!
When I run into you in the grocery store, 
I hope we can talk about the progress I'm making.
 and if you see M&M's and Blue Bell Ice Cream in my cart~ be gracious!
 {refer to goal #7}

There are some great resources for planning over at Design Finch  
where this entry links you to free charts and lists.


  1. Beautiful Sharon! I am so happy to follow you and your blog. Thanks for keeping me in check! You have motivated me to "make my own list."

    Love you!

  2. Thanks, Wendy... We can challenge each other to balanced and purposeful lives!

  3. Sounds like a good plan ~ I'm reminded to focus on the important things!

  4. Love it! And Love that Austin Mankin!!
