Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Spontaneous PRAISE! Oh, Happy Day!

Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; 
speak of all His wonders ... 1Chron 16:9.

Thanks for your patience with my lack of posts.
The "best summer EVER" has nearly come to an end...
And I will soon have all the time in the world to blog again.
The kids are packing up to return to college in two weeks.

In the meantime, when I saw this video this morning {thanks, Julie!}, 
I found myself grateful and hopeful and inspired to praise HIM. 

Oh, how HE is worthy of our spontaneous PRAISE!

Also, many of you remember my sweet friend, Cindy, who is battling cancer (who I wrote about HERE and HERE.)  I traveled to Houston to hang out with her a couple of weeks ago~ 
I absolutely marvel at her tenacity,  grace and unyielding faith!  
Please keep her in your prayers as she and her family travel to Hawaii on Friday.  She calls it her "happy place!"  May the trip be all that she hopes and dreams for!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this inspiring piece. Cindy and her family are in my prayers.
